How To Help A Friend Who Is Being Abused

Here are some suggestions for helping a friend who’s being abused:



  • Let your friend know they are not alone and you are there to listen if they want to talk.
  • Believe what they say.
  • Familiarize yourself with services at the local certified domestic violence center in your area and provide your friend with information about services that are available to people experiencing relationship violence.
  • If you believe your friend is in danger, talk to a trusted adult.
  • Tell your friend the abuse is not their fault and they are not to blame. No one deserves to be hurt by their partner, no matter what!
  • Call 911 if you see or hear violence happening.




  • Talk badly about your friend or their partner
  • Make your friend choose between your friendship and their relationship
  • Blame your friend for the abuse; it’s never the victim’s fault.
  • Keep it a secret if your friend is in danger, no matter what.



What if your friend is being abusive?

Our friends are really important people in our lives and we should always try to be there for them. Sometimes though, friends disappoint us. They might always say offensive things about girls or women. Maybe you’ve heard them talk down to their girlfriend and you can tell it upsets her. You can help to prevent dating violence by telling your friends the truth about their behavior in an honest and direct way.

Remember, DON’T react with violence. DON’T encourage or participate in the behavior. DON’T ignore abusive behavior!

For more information about how to get help, check out these resources